We want to share who are the founders and Wellness Travel Advisors of Eco Wellness & Travel

Rebeca is a communications professional with a focus on advertising and design. Trained in the management of social networks. 

Since 2014 she has specialized in the wellness tourism segment, with evident management of the dimensions of wellness and the integrative well-being.

Since 2014, she has specialized in the field of wellness tourism.

She is a co-founder of Wellness Tourism Consulting Integral and an active supporter of Global Wellness Day.

As an experience designer and graphic artist, she is always searching for the meaning and essence of the experiences created at EcoWellness & Travel, and with her empathy and creativity, she shapes the journey in each of the programs we offer.
She is a loving mother and wife, a lover of pets, especially cats, and a lover of the sea.

She divides her time between working and caring for her family.

Among her virtues we can mention that she is a humble, honest, kind, grateful, responsible, methodical and organized person, she has a lot of creativity and imagination.


Laura has a degree in Tourism and Group Management with experience in product design and tourism planning since 2000. In 2014 she started to specialize in wellness tourism. She also has several trainings in Spa and Comprehensive Wellness. National and international speaker.

She is a founding member of the Costa Rica Wellness Association (where she has held the positions of president and vice president). She is an ambassador of the Global Wellness Day since 2015, delegate of the International Association for Tourism Cooperation and delegate of the Wellness & Medical Tourism World Association.
She is passionate about life, she believes in karma and tries to help in everything she can, this is her IKIGAI. She is a dog lover, wife, daughter, sister and friend.
Her empathy leads her to participate in many activities, among which her passion for traveling and the promoting of wellness stands out, sharing her personal experiences and knowledge with others. She loves to learn. She belongs to several groups where she can grow as a person, contribute and support.
She tries to maintain a balanced lifestyle between family, work, personal time and passions. She is a sensitive, kind, respectful, honest, transparent and extremely persistent girl.


Our passion joins us. For that reason, in 2014 we started this challenge of putting our knowledge and experience to the service of travelers.

We believe that wellness experiences in Costa Rica can make positive changes. Let's build it together!

Each individual needs to create a mind-body-spirit balance to continue being productive in your personal & professional life. The secret is to restore this balance in a completely neutral environment, where you can find yourself and remember how important it is to have a good quality of life.

Nowadays, balance between the job, the family, the mental and physical health are having a priority for people. In this way, the wellness travel experiences give you a great opportunity to revitalize, restore, and renew your energy.

Eco Wellness as the leading wellness travel agency in Costa Rica, offers you experiences to achieve these goals.

Eco Wellness & Travel

the first Wellness Travel DMC in Costa Rica.

Tour operator with 10 years of local experience in selling exclusive packages.  We put together the components for tailor-made travel programs using technology and trained staff. We design and create unique holiday experiences for individuals, families, groups, and incentive travel.

From our office in San Jose, Costa Rica, we offer 24/7 in-country travel support during your trip around the country.


To facilitate personalized and transformative wellness tourism experiences through travel that promotes physical, mental and emotional balance. Connecting people with inspiring destinations in Costa Rica and relaxing activities.


To be the leading and pioneering company in the wellness tourism niche in Costa Rica, recognized for providing personalized experiences with high quality services that promote balance in the lives of our clients, contribute to their well-being and promote a healthy lifestyle.


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Costa Rica, 2023

“One day can change your whole life"

All of us would like to be healthier, to look better, and to live well both physically and spiritually.

Living well is almost the entire world’s shared dream.

As everything that is precious to us has been honored with a special day, why is it that we don’t have a special global day dedicated to the only thing which is really valuable to all of us, that is, living well? We can now answer this question by saying “it now exists”. This special day is called Global Wellness Day.

With the slogan “One day can change your whole life,” we celebrate Global Wellness Day on the second Saturday of June every year as an international day.

Global Wellness Day is an entirely not-for-profit day, a social project dedicated to living well. The purpose of Global Wellness Day is to ask the question, even if for just one day, “How can I live a healthier and better life?”, to direct the thoughts of both individuals and society towards “living well” and to raise awareness.

The main aims of the day are:

  • To recognize the value of our lives
  • To pause and think, even if for just one day of the year
  • To be free from the stress of everyday city life and bad habits
  • To make peace with ourselves
  • To raise awareness about living well and increase motivation, not just for today, but for the remaining 364 days of the year


First celebrated in 2012, Global Wellness Day was established in Turkey as the “first” day dedicated to living well, and has now been accepted worldwide. Reflecting its 10 years of success, on June 12, 2021, Global Wellness Day was celebrated globally with a 12-Hour Free Livestream Celebration which started in New Zealand and ended in Los Angeles, once again drawing attention to the importance of “living well”. Furthermore, Global Wellness Day scored huge success across the globe with both physical and online activities such as 12-hours of complimentary virtual classes in Thailand, 5-hour livestream of wellness talks in Malaysia and Jamaica, hiking and dancing in Barbados, pilates and yoga in Hungary, BoxHIIT and Zumba in New Zealand, sound meditation and aromatherapy workshops in Puerto Rico and much more.

To get one step closer towards living well, let ourmanifesto be your starting point.


The manifesto

Do you want  to know more information and join? Check the websitehttps://www.globalwellnessday.org/costa-rica/

Costa Rica since 2015, is part of this amazing movement. Through the years the Global Wellness Day Ambassador of Costa Rica, Laura Barrantes Requeno has promoted this initiative around the country, building solid alliances with government institutions, companies, and people specially in the tourism sector.

Nowadays, Global Wellness Day Costa Rica is celebrated all over the country, thanks to the country's team support.

AtEco Wellness & Travel, GWD is an important celebration because it is part of our philosophy and reflects how we design our travel products, as a travel agency, for a real wellness experience in Costa Rica. 

Medical tourism + Wellness tourism = Health Tourism

Health tourism covers those types of tourism which have as a primary motivation, the contribution to physical, mental and/or spiritual health through medical and wellness based activities which increase the capacity of individuals to satisfy their own needs and function better as individuals in their environment and society.

Medical tourism is a type of tourism activity which involves the use of evidence-based medical healing resources and services (both invasive and non-invasive). This may include diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention and rehabilitation.

Wellness tourism is a type of tourism activity which aims to improve and balance all of the main domains of human life including physical, mental, emotional, occupational, intellectual and spiritual. The primary motivation for the wellness tourist is to engage in preventive, proactive, lifestyle-enhancing activities such as fitness, healthy eating, relaxation, pampering and healing treatments

12 días / 11 noches

San José - San Ramón - Arenal - Playa Potrero

Desde US $ 2 299 por persona
Mínimo: 02 personas viajando juntas

Costa Rica es un Santuario Natural de Bienestar; con agradable clima tropical, inmensa variedad de ecosistemas, apacibles y hermosos paisajes, gente amable y un estilo de vida de paz y respeto que reflejan la cultura y esencia de Pura Vida.

Este programa le ofrece actividades en las que puede concentrarse para cuidar su cuerpo, mente y espíritu, con la esperanza de lograr un sentido de atención plena, recién cultivado en la vida diaria.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica es un pequeño país con 51100 km2, donde se encuentra el 6,5% de la biodiversidad del planeta. Hogar de un gran número de ecosistemas diversos.

Cuando llegue al Aeropuerto Internacional, un recibimiento al estilo “Pura Vida” iniciará la experiencia. Nuestro wellness concierge brindará información relevante sobre el país y la ruta.

Noche en San José.

San José

Desayuno en el hotel.

Durante la mañana, el guía esperará en el hotel, para iniciar un recorrido cultural a pie por algunos monumentos icónicos de San José.

Visitar el Teatro Nacional, el Museo del Oro y aprender lo más posible sobre la cultura de la capital de Costa Rica.

La gastronomía es parte esencial de un pueblo. El estilo de vida de Costa Rica, se degusta por los sabores típicos en un delicioso almuerzo elaborado con ingredientes locales en un restaurante capitalino.

Después de explorar el arte de la comida, el primer día de experiencia finaliza con actividad holística al estilo Eco Wellness.

Noche en San José.
Desayuno y almuerzo incluidos.

San José - San Ramón

Desayuno en el hotel.

Por la mañana, el traslado privado es desde el Valle Central hasta las montañas del lado oeste, para permanecer 2 días en el Bosque Nuboso de San Ramón, en un hermoso y pequeño alojamiento llamado Villa Blanca.

Uno de los pocos lugares en Costa Rica donde se cuenta con todas las comodidades de un hotel boutique mientras se disfruta uno de los tipos de bosques tropicales más singulares y en peligro de extinción en una reserva privada de bosque nuboso.

El alojamiento está bellamente decorado, al estilo de edificaciones del siglo XIX de un pueblo agrícola de montaña costarricense. Desde la encantadora habitación, cada una cuenta con techos abovedados de mimbre, muebles elegantemente hechos a mano y una variedad de comodidades y servicios que incluyen chimeneas a leña y terrazas privadas con vista al jardín.

Una vez en el albergue, tendrá tiempo para disfrutar del entorno, le sugerimos que pruebe una taza de café.

También le brindaremos en forma escrita y auditiva, algunos ejercicios de meditación, que puede realizar en los jardines y antes de irse a dormir.
Noche en San Ramón. Desayuno incluido.

San Ramón

Desayuno en el hotel.

El día inicia con una actividad cultural increíble, una visita a la granja para aprender a ordeñar vacas, recoger algunos huevos y conocer cómo el alojamiento produce y recolecta sus productos frescos.

Este recorrido es una oportunidad de conexión, donde la biodiversidad de flora y fauna del bosque nuboso muestra su esencia.

Después de eso, el guía espera para llevarle a una caminata por el bosque nuboso durante aproximadamente 2 horas.

Como parte de solo el 2,5 % de los bosques nubosos restantes de Planets, este hábitat forestal único continúa asombrando a los clientes, huéspedes del hotel y estudiantes de todo el mundo, así como los proyectos calificados en la Estación de Investigación José Miguel Alfaro del hotel, la única único en su tipo operando dentro de una propiedad hotelera en Costa Rica.

El resto del día recomendamos relajarse en las áreas comunes mientras practica alguna de las actividades de relajación que le suministraremos.

Noche en San Ramón. Desayuno incluido

San Ramón – Arenal

Desayuno en el hotel.

Después del almuerzo, en transporte privado se trasladará al área del Volcán Arenal.

Después del check-in en el hotel, le invitamos, como parte de su programa de bienestar, a disfrutar los beneficios de las aguas termales.

Estas aguas termales aportan muchísimos beneficios para la salud, como mejorar la circulación sanguínea, hidratar la piel, aumentar la respuesta inmunológica, y mucho más.  Entregaremos material audiovisual, con algunas normas de seguridad, beneficios y meditaciones para realizar.

Noche en Arenal, desayuno incluido.

Por la mañana: Conexión con el bosque 

Desayuno en el hotel.

Otro de los beneficios de este programa, es la conexión con el bosque. Al recorrer los senderos en una reserva natural privada, en las afueras del Volcán Arenal, en una caminata lenta, al aire libre que busca la sanación y encontrar la paz interior.

Animamos a las personas a estar presentes en mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Entregaremos material audiovisual, como apoyo.

Disfrutar de la sensación de estar vivo, obtener muchos beneficios de la relación entre nosotros y el resto del mundo natural. Invitar a las personas a experimentar los placeres de la naturaleza a través de todos sus sentidos, son algunos de los objetivos de este día.

Por la tarde: Sabores de Costa Rica

De regreso al hotel para el almuerzo. Habrá tiempo para descansar un poco y esperar la próxima actividad del día.

El guía esperará en el hotel alrededor de las 17:00 horas e irán a una propiedad privada, para disfrutar de una clase de cocina.

El objetivo de la actividad: aprender sobre la comida costarricense y los productos agrícolas locales, como la yuca, el tiquisque, el palmito, la caña de azúcar y otros ingredientes de la cocina "tica".

Podrá visitar el jardín y la granja de donde provienen los ingredientes frescos para cocinar y obtener una comprensión del significado del concepto “de la huerta a la mesa”.

Luego de prepara la cena, es hora de SABOREARLA!!!

Noche en Arenal. Desayuno y cena incluidos.


Desayuno en el hotel.

Hoy disfrutaremos de los aromas del café y el chocolate.

Hacer un trayecto por una finca es perfecto para una mañana. El lugar ofrece un recorrido por dos de los productos de exportación más importantes de Costa Rica. Primero, en la plantación de café, se aprenderá sobre la historia y el proceso desde los granos de café hasta la bebida que todos amamos.

Después, comienza el recorrido del cacao (fruto del que se obtiene el chocolate), para oler y probar diversos tipos de chocolate, mientras el guía cuenta la historia. Además, el proceso para conocer cómo la planta pasa de semilla a cacao puro molido.

Esta actividad se puede programar por la mañana o por la tarde, según su conveniencia.

Noche en Arenal. Desayuno incluido.

Arenal - Playa Potrero

Desayuno en el hotel.

Durante la mañana, el viaje es en transporte compartido, de Arenal al pueblo de Potrero, en el Pacífico Norte (Guanacaste).

Para el recorrido, ofreceremos una selección de música relajante, que podrá escuchar mientras las agradables vistas del camino, refrescan la vista.

Las diferentes playas de la zona ofrecen una variedad de actividades para aquellos que quieran pasar su tiempo en la arena y el sol.

Si nos lo permite, como parte de su experiencia wellness, deseamos proponer algunos ejercicios de respiración profunda y relajación para practicar en la playa. Brindaremos, de forma escrita y auditiva, la guía necesaria para realizarlos.

Noche en Potrero. Desayuno incluido.

Por la mañana: Parque Nacional Santa Rosa

Desayuno en el hotel.

Visitar el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa y la ciudad de Liberia es ideal para conocer un poco de historia y cultura de Guanacaste.

Este Parque Nacional es el monumento más importante a la protección del bosque seco y es el icono de la libertad después de la independencia. En 1856 “La Casona” fue el sitio donde el ejército costarricense, compuesto por campesinos, venció a un grupo de extranjeros que pretendían conquistar todo el territorio centroamericano.

En este recorrido,  se caminará por el bosque seco que contiene el 2% de la biodiversidad mundial. Con un poco de atención y suerte, en uno de los senderos podrá ver monos, aves, venados y muchos animales más.

Por la mañana: Tour a la Ciudad de Liberia

Luego, la excursión continúa hacia la ciudad de Liberia, donde se puede caminar por el centro del pueblo.

Históricamente, Liberia ha sido llamada “La Ciudad Blanca” por sus casas de adobe blanco, caminos de tierra blanca y su gente que vestía toda de blanco por el calor extremo. Sugerimos comprar algunos souvenirs en esta ciudad, mientras se conocen los lugares históricos.

Noche en Potrero. Desayuno y almuerzo incluidos.


Desayuno en el hotel.

Sesión de yoga por la mañana de 8:30 a 09:30 am en la terraza del hotel.

Luego, le sugerimos que vaya a la playa, a realizar una caminata suave y relajante, seguida de algunos de los ejercios de meditación que le suministraremos en material audiovisual.

Noche en Potrero. Desayuno incluido.

Playa Potrero

Desayuno en el hotel.

Es un día libre, para que maneje su itinerario. Sin olvidar, que el mar tiene muchos beneficios. Así que ver el amanecer y practicar ejercicios de respiración y meditación, es una buena alternativa para iniciar el día.

O, si prefiere, puede rentar una bicicleta para explorar la zona o quedarse a disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel.

Noche en Potrero. Desayuno incluido.

Playa Potrero – Aeropuerto de Guanacaste

Desayuno en el hotel.

Traslado al aeropuerto de Liberia, Guanacaste. La recomendación es estar al menos 3 horas antes de la salida de su vuelo de regreso a casa.

Fin del servicio, esperamos que haya disfrutado mucho de la esencia del Pura Vida costarricense.  

¡Será un placer tenerle de vuelta!

San José (Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría) - San Ramón - Arenal - Playa Potrero - Guanacaste (Aeropuerto Internacional Daniel Oduber)


02 noches en San José.
02 noche en San Ramón.
03 noches en Arenal.
04 noches en Playa Potrero.

Actividades/ Tours
Tour cultural y de bienestar en San José
Recorrido natural en el Bosque Nuboso El Silencio.
Aguas Termales Paraíso.
Parque Místico.
Tour de café y chocolate.
Clase de cocina por la noche.
Tour cultural al Parque Nacional Santa Rosa - y al Pueblo de Liberia.
01 clase de yoga.
Material exclusivo Eco Wellness & Travel

Las mencionadas en el programa.

Transporte entre destino (servicios compartidos y privados)

Servicios adicionales
Asistencia en viaje durante su estadía en el país.
Impuestos gubernamentales incluidos.
Los protocolos de limpieza y salud son obligatorios.

12 days / 11 nights

San José - San Ramón - Arenal - Potrero Beach

From US $ 2 299 per person
Minimum: 02 people traveling together

Costa Rica is a Wellness Natural Sanctuary; with its pleasant tropical climate, its benefits thanks to the immense variety of ecosystems, its peaceful and beautiful landscapes, its friendly people, and a lifestyle of peace and respect that reflect the culture and essence of Pura Vida.

This program offers you activities that you can focus on tending to your body, mind, and soul, with the hopes of achieving a newly cultivated sense of mindfulness in daily life.

San José

Costa Rica is a small country with 51100 km2, where it finds 6.5% of the planet’s biodiversity. Home to a vast number of diverse ecosystems.

When you arrive at the International Airport, one of our representatives will be waiting to drive you to the hotel and deliver all the travel information.

Overnight in San José.

San José

Breakfast at the hotel.

During the morning, the guide will pick you up at the hotel, to start a cultural walking tour of some iconic monuments in San José. Visit the National Theater, the Golden Museum, and learn as much as possible about the culture of the capital.

As part of the Costa Rica lifestyle, you will taste the typical flavors in a delicious lunch made with local ingredients in a local restaurant. After exploring the art of food, you will have the opportunity to finish this experience by enjoying a holistic activity.

Overnight in San José.
Breakfast & lunch included.

San José - San Ramón

Breakfast at the hotel.

In the morning you will move from the central valley to the mountains on the west side. You will stay for 2 days at the Cloud Forest of San Ramón, in a beautiful small lodge called Villa Blanca (private transfer).

One of the few places in Costa Rica where you can enjoy all the comforts of a boutique hotel while experiencing one of the most unique and endangered types of tropical forests in a private cloud forest reserve.

You will be ensconced by a beautifully appointed 19th-century re-creation of a mountain farm village. From the charming room, each one features vaulted cane ceilings, elegantly handcrafted furniture, and a variety of conveniences and amenities that include wood-burning fireplaces, private garden porches.

Once at the lodge, you will have time to enjoy the surroundings, we suggest you try a cup of coffee
Overnight in San Ramón. Breakfast included.

San Ramón

Breakfast at the hotel.

Today you will have an amazing cultural activity, where you will visit the farm to learn how to milk cows, pick up some eggs and learn how the lodge produces and collects its fresh products.

This tour of the property is a connection opportunity, where the biodiversity of flora and fauna of the cloud forest shows its essence.

After that, the guide will be waiting to take you a walk through the cloud forest for around 2 hours.

As a part of only 2.5 % of the Planets remaining cloud forests, this unique forest habitat continues to amaze the clients, hotel guests and students from around the world, as well as the qualified projects in the hotel’s José Miguel Alfaro Research Station, the only one of its kind operating within a hotel property in Costa Rica.

The rest of the day we recommend relaxing in the shared areas.

Overnight in San Ramón. Breakfast included.

San Ramón – Arenal

Breakfast at the hotel.

After lunch, in private transportation, you will be moving to the world’s famous Arenal Volcano area from the cloud forest.

After the check-in at the hotel, you will have time to change and continue to the gorgeous hot springs, as part of your wellness program.

These thermal waters are going to give you a ton of benefits for your health, such as improving blood circulation, hydrating the skin,
improving the immune response, and much more.

Overnight in Arenal. Breakfast included.

Morning: Forest connection

Breakfast at the hotel.

Another benefit that you will enjoy with this program is the forest connection when you visit the paths in a private natural reserve, on the outskirts of the Arenal Volcano. This hike is part of the wellness experience with nature, through slow walks outdoors as a healing practice to find inner peace. It encourages people to be present in the mind, body, and spirit.

Enjoys the sensation of being alive, obtains many benefits from the relationship between ourselves and the rest of the natural world. Invites people to experience the pleasures of nature through all their senses.

Evening: The taste of Costa Rica

Go back to the hotel for lunch. You will have time to rest a little bit and wait for the next cultural activity today.

The guide picks you up at the hotel around 17:00 hours to take you to a private property, where you will enjoy a cooking class.

You will learn about Costa Rican food and local agricultural products such as yucca, tiquisque, peach palm, sugarcane, and other interesting local foods.

Also, you could visit the garden and farm where the fresh cooking ingredients come from. You will get an understanding of the meaning of fresh and the concept “from the farm to the table”.

You will make your dinner and finally just TASTE!!!!

Overnight in Arenal. Breakfast & dinner included.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Today is the coffee and chocolate tour.

Starting a tour on a farm is perfect for a morning. The place offers a trip of two of the most important export products of Costa Rica. You will be through the coffee plantation, here you will learn about the history and walk through the process from the coffee beans to the drink we all love.

After the chocolate tour starts, you will smell and taste diverse types of chocolate while your guide will tell you about the history. Also, you will see how the plant goes from seed to pure ground cacao.

This activity could be scheduled in the morning or in the afternoon, at your convenience.

Overnight in Arenal. Breakfast included.

Arenal - Playa Potrero

Breakfast at the hotel.

During the morning you will travel from Arenal to Potrero in the North Pacific by shared transportation.

The different beaches in the area offer a variety of activities for those who want to spend their time in the sand and the sun.

Overnight in Potrero. Breakfast included.

Santa Rosa National Park (morning)

Breakfast at the hotel.

Santa Rosa National Park & Liberia City Tour is ideal for you if you want to know some history about Guanacaste’s culture.

This park is the most important monument to the protection of the dry forest and freedom after independence. In 1856 “La Casona” is where the Costa Rican army composed of countrymen beat a group of filibusters that tried to conquer the whole Central American territory.

On this tour, you will have a chance to walk through the dry forest that contains 2% of the worldwide biodiversity at one of the trails where you can see monkeys, birds, deer, and many more animals.  

Liberia City Tour (afternoon)

After the visit to Santa Rosa Park, the excursion continues to Liberia City, where you can still walk around the center of the town.

Historically, Liberia has been called “La Ciudad Blanca” because of its white adobe houses, white dirt roads, and its people who dressed all in white because of the extreme heat. You could buy some souvenirs in this city, meanwhile, we will show you the historic places.

Overnight in Potrero. Breakfast & lunch included.



Breakfast at the hotel.

Morning yoga class from 8:30 - 09:30 am at the hotel deck.

Today is a free day at leisure to explore the area or just to enjoy the hotel facilities.

Overnight in Potrero. Breakfast included.


Playa Potrero

Breakfast at the hotel.

Today is a free day at leisure to explore the area or just to enjoy the hotel facilities.

Overnight in Potrero. Breakfast included.

Potrero – Guanacaste Airport

Breakfast at the hotel.

Transfer to the airport in Liberia, Guanacaste. The recommendation is to be at least 3 hours before departure of his flight home.

End of service. We hope that you have enjoyed the essence of the Costa Rican Pura Vida. It will be a pleasure to have you back!


San José (Airport) - San Ramón - Arenal - Potrero Beach - Guanacaste (Airport)


02 nights in San José.
02 night in San Ramón.
03 nights in Arenal.
04 nights in Potrero Beach.

Activities/ Tours
San José Wellness & Cultural Tour
Natural tour at the El Silencio Cloud Forest.
Paradise Hot Spring, Mistico Park.
Coffee and chocolate tour.
Cooking class at night.
Santa Rosa National Park Cultural - Liberia Town Cultural Tour.
01 yoga class.

Meals as mentioned in the program.

Transportation between destination (shared & private services)

Additional services
Travel assistance during their stay in the country.
Government taxes included.
Cleaning & health protocols are mandatory.

Wellness is multidimensional

Wellness is about more than just physical and mental health.

Most models of wellness include at least six dimensions (and sometimes up to 9 or 12):
At EcoWellness & Travel we have the knowledge and experience to prepare a specific program if you are a wellness traveler.

Nourishing a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc.

Engaging the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc.

Searching for meaning and higher purpose in human existence.

Being aware of, accepting and expressing our feelings, and understanding the feelings of others.

Connecting and engaging with others and our communities in meaningful ways.


Is the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure that promotes health and  personal satisfaction.

Fostering positive interrelationships between planetary health and human actions, choices and wellbeing.

Eco Wellness & Travel  is made up of a professional team, highly trained in the tourism, design, and wellness field. Our main goal is to provide you with personalized and excellent services, through a careful analysis of our products.

Nowadays, balance between the job, the family, and mental and physical health are a priority for people. In this way, the wellness travel experiences give you a great opportunity to revitalize, restore, and renew your energy.


All our programs and providers must meet at least one of the following wellness tourism criteria:

  1. Offer Wellness physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual activities.
  2. Work under the concept of fair trade.
  3. Promotes the use of local products.
  4. Encourage a well-being atmosphere inside the company.
  5. Be environmentally friendly. 

Our principles are based on the dimensions of well-being and follow the postulates of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We give you a select list of some of our highlight programs, created with passion and knowledge about the wellness tourism product in Costa Rica


Also, we offer tailor-made assistance to create your own transformational wellness experience around your personal interests and well-being goals.

Our services are perfect for singles, partners, families, friends, and groups.

Eco Wellness & Travel  as the leading wellness travel agency in Costa Rica, offers you experiences to achieve these goals.

Wellness is the pursuit of happiness and is the way to find our inner peace. It is an opportunity to grow as a person, share and inspire others. It's a way to find yourself. 

Wellness is a way to show the best of me. Wellness travel is our passion, our Ikigai, motivates us to be part of the change.


Wellness can be a lot and mean different things to each person. It is a somewhat abstract and subjective concept. For some it is a lifestyle, because they are habits that are carried out consciously to generate a benefit to health in an integral way and considering the dimensions of well-being, others may consider it as a fashion or a way to earn money, for others it may be not mean much. However, from the holistic perspective that we like to know and live it, it allows us to seek that balance within our lives.

For some it is a lifestyle, because they are habits that are carried out consciously to generate a benefit to health in an integral way and considering the wellness dimensions, others may consider it as a fashion or a way to earn money, for others it may be not mean much. However, from the holistic perspective that we like to know and live it, it allows us to seek that balance within our lives.

Wellness activities must be inclusive, accessible and affordable. Its purpose should be to share, believe, grow and inspire. These initiatives are carried out actively, maintaining options that balance our lives, promoting comprehensive health.

By trying to have a balanced life, we maintain habits at home that we want to respect when traveling, this being one of the main reasons when planning a vacation, when looking for destinations that can satisfy these needs, that meet the expectations that are generated. The quality of the offer becomes one of the highest points in the selection and recommendation of tourist services.

To meet the expectations mainly of clients motivated by trips of self-care, transformation, purpose, reconnection, peace and relaxation, actions are developed in Wellness tourism, such as the option shown in the top of tourist options in the world. This is tourism that transform you.

Costa Rica, with its magical nature, human warmth, variety in the tourist offer, presents hundreds of alternatives of the highest quality for people who travel through the country. In addition to providing many options that will help maintain or improve the health condition. Contact with nature in its various expressions generates benefits for the body, mind and spirit, allowing us to return home with more and better tools to maintain balance in our work.

When planning a wellness trip you must ensure that you are going to enjoy it, because a getaway can be the best opportunity to come back to yourself. For this reason, EcoWellness & Travel offer you all the support, inspiration, knowledge and experience of a highly professional team, to plan your trip and thus ensure that it is a beautiful experience. Our reason for being is to provide the best options taking into account every detail and interest in your vacation.



Wellness travel is our passion

Wellness are actions, situations, and expectations in a healthy sense, which helps to pursue happiness and is the way to find our inner peace. It is an opportunity to grow as a person, share and inspire others. It's a way to find myself.

Wellness is a way to show the best of me. Wellness travel is our passion, our Ikigai, and motivates us to be part of the change and motivate and inspire our clients to make changes or keep their habits through the travels.

Finding a balance allows us to enjoy the journey that we call life. Make changes if they have value for you.

Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots

The key tenets of wellness as both preventive and holistic can be traced back to ancient civilizations from the East (India, China) to the West (Greece, Rome). In 19th-century Europe and the United States, a variety of intellectual, religious and medical movements developed in parallel with conventional medicine.

With their focus on holistic and natural approaches, self-healing and preventive care, these movements have provided a firm foundation for wellness today.

Wellness-focused and holistic modalities have gained more visibility since the 1960s/1970s under the writings and thought leadership of an informal network of US physicians and thinkers (such as Halbert Dunn, Jack Travis, Don Ardell, Bill Hettler, and others). As these have evolved, proliferated, and gone mainstream, they have informed the healthy-living, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet and spiritual practices that have become a flourishing wellness movement in the 21st century. (Global Wellness Institute)

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness tourism as a travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s wellbeing.

Wellness tourism brings the promise of combating unwellness embedded in today’s travel and turning it into an opportunity to maintain and improve our holistic health.

Nowadays, more people are understanding the consequences of drastic health affectation because of unhealthy habits such as sedentarism, burnout, chronic stress, and mental disbalance, among others, suffered during the last decade. In addition, the increase in population aging, the excessive costs of healthcare, and the effects of Covid19 bring us a new perspective of life with a new model of self-care through healthy habits, learning strategies to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and more, allow us to find a balance at home and keep this wellbeing when we travel. We can get that across Wellness travel.

Wellness travel is based on two distinct kinds of journeys according to the traveler's motivations: 

A primary traveleris a person that seeks a destination and services to offer facilities associated with wellness living.

Asecondary traveler is a person interested in improving personal health and wellbeing during their vacation or holiday but is not looking for specific services, just taking advantage of what the destination offers.

At EcoWellness & Travel we have the knowledge and experience to prepare a specific program if you are a primary or secondary wellness traveler.



Wellness is a word that was not often spoken or seen in print just 10 years ago. Yet, in the last few years, it has become ubiquitous in consumer and trade media and has entered the vernacular all around the world. Within a relatively short span of time, wellness has emerged as a dominant lifestyle value, driving interest in fitness, healthy eating, self-care, mindfulness, stress reduction, wellness vacations, healthy aging, complementary medicine, holistic health, and other wellness practices. As consumer interest in all things related to wellness accelerates, wellness is becoming a selling point for all kinds of products and services—from food and vitamins to real estate and vacation packages, and from gym memberships and healthcare plans to meditation apps and DNA testing kits.

Wellness was estimated by the Global Wellness Institute to be a $4.5 trillion market in 2017. Its growth rate has consistently outpaced global GDP growth, posting positive gains even in years of global economic downturn. What accounts for the seemingly unstoppable growth of wellness and its proliferation throughout the economy? In recent decades, vast economic, technological, social, demographic, and environmental changes have transformed every aspect of our lives—our homes and communities, food, work, shopping, education, friendship, leisure, travel, etc.—with both positive and negative impacts on our health and wellbeing. The growth of wellness practices and businesses is fundamentally a consumer response to these developments, and this response is turning into a major societal and economic force.

Four macro forces are propelling consumer demand and the ongoing robust growth of the wellness economy
